Velika Gorica

About us

  • Development of an efficient nutrition system of the City based on connecting consumers, strategic partners, civil society participants (existing and start-up companies), innovators and leading universities.
  • Rural development through the creation / adaptation of innovative digital and social solutions at the local / regional level.
  • Establishing innovative and tailored methodologies for thinking about the food system in order to jointly address challenges
  • Digital platform for connecting all stakeholders in the food system (CRFS) for local and regional connectivity

Living Lab Team

  • Mario Konić
  • Violeta Crnogaj
  • Blanka Kovač Walaitis
  • Damir Lučić

Follow our Living Lab activities.

Policy Lab – P08 VEGO

  • Identify the current situation with regard to activities and indicators
  • Make a proposal for the food management process at the local, regional and national levels.
  • Be a contact between local and regional government institutions and the project team
  • Identify local key stakeholders from different government sectors
  • Facilitate access to information needed for project development
  • Create preconditions for further development and increase of efficiency of production systems, short supply chains – distribution chains of food supply and recycling, with cities as carriers of activities

Velika Gorica (Croatia) is part of the Cities2030, with two representatives as Cities2030 partners. P8 VEGO (Local development agency) and P9 INVE share the same vision for a prosperous and sustainable future via these activities supported by CRFS-LL VELIKA GORICA:

* Establishing a supply chain monitoring system;

* Connecting stakeholders from different food sectors on one place;

* Development of a model for the modern market, which is integrated in supply chain monitoring system and supported by ICT 


Continuously working with other labs, sharing experience, insights, issues and good practices we expect to get  know-how on how to build a self-sustainable food supply system for Velika Gorica city and Zagreb county.


Velika Gorica and the Zagreb county on themself hold more than 300.000 citizens which is almost 10% of the population and taking into account that Zagreb county is surrounding Croatia capital city Zagreb, which holds another 800.000 citizens the need for food is overwhelming for current local producer´s capacities. Due to lack of resources, there is no known data about the food production output of Velika Gorica and Zagreb county (of food producers), what is the quantity of waste, buying habits etc. 


There are 7 topics that CRFS-LL VELIKA GORICA will explore in order to improve existing food systems:

*Short value chains and localy produced food (e.g. school scheme and city markets) – how can the city/region/country procurement be a lever for more consumption of local food

*Connecting food producers by showing them the benefits of collaboration

*Creating a plan for self-sustainability associated with  plan/strategy of Velika Gorica city and Zagreb county’s policies and goals

*Creating environment and delivering know-how to particular stakeholders which can produce food for themselves (e.g. kindergartens, schools, penitentiary)

*Fostering new start-ups/new services by engaging existing SMEs within the FOOD2030/city region food system framework, e.g. waste management, Smart Food growing, circular economic business models, etc.

*Exploring the potential,  examples and good practices  for circular economy business models


Urban and rural parts of Velika gorica, Zagreb county and other stakeholder’s 


Cities2030 partners – P8 VEGO (Local development agency) and P9 INVE (see details in table 2.2) with the help of other living labs (supported by 9 partners within Cities2030), support from WP leaders and with cooperation of stakeholders (Production, Processing, Distribution, Markets, Consumption, Waste, Security, Ecosystem service, Livelihood/growth, Inclusion/equity) included in CRFS-LL VELIKA GORICA. Living lab will work in sync with the policy lab (CRFS-PL VELIKA GORICA).