D2.3 White Paper of Gender in CRFS

WP2 CRFS PHILOSOPHY: ethics, RRI and gender approach

D2.3 White Paper of Gender in CRFS


Gender in City Region Food Systems (CRFS) in the European Union is examined in this white paper. There is very little research or other sources of these three topics together and so this paper is one of the first ones to pay attention to this matter combination.

In The European Union there is a gender mainstreaming principle: the gender issues should be taken in consideration in all the matters. When interviewing food-related professionals from Cities2030 pilot cities it was found that there was obvious need to raise awareness of the gender issues in CRFS. Obviously, there is still a need to deepen up the understanding of the gender matters.
The gender matter is frequently considered as a woman matter. His way to look at gender narrows the view. The gender matter is a woman matter, man matter but also “the other sex” matter – matter of all humans. The structures of the CRFS should be built that way that all the variety of gender can fit in there where they want to fit. It is not only fitting women to the existing structures.
The conclusions of this paper are presented as a house of gender. The base rocks are formed from values and legislation based on them. The pillars (acts) that hold up the dome (results) are common awareness, knowing oneself, structure change and culture change. The wanted result, the dome of the house, is “Genuine equal chances in CRFS for the variety of gender”.

Deliverable leader and key authors

Terhi Välisalo (AGRIA)

Contributors and authors

Sam van Damme (VIVES)

Tuula Löytty (SLEAN)

Daniel Molina (SINNO)

Natasa Ristovska (GGP )


Tuula Löytty (SLEAN)

Daniel Molina (SINNO)

Natasa Ristovska (GGP )