D5.1 Innovation Action Capacity Builidng Programme

WP5 CRFS ANGELS: innovation, synergies and investment action

D5.1 Innovation Action Capacity Builidng Programme


This document is the provision of the project’s envisioned technology and social innovation dimension of the Capacity Building Programme (TS-CBP) which is built from the WP3 key findings e.g., referred as “D5.1 – Innovation action capacity building programme”. Key findings are assembled from tasks T3.2, T3.3., T3.5, T3.6 and T3.7. The main aim of this TS-CBP is to provide actionable guidelines and structured information per the project definition found in the project description chapter “1.3 Concept and methodology – (a) Concept – (a).7 – Securing efficient learning environments”, concretely an “open access digital training guide and self-learning online platform encompassing a comprehensive set of learning material and generated on Google Site.” The TS-CBP also uptakes from key findings generated by WP-4 and WP-5 globally, more specifically tasks T4.1 and T5.1. Cities2030 explores the CRFS educational programmes landscape combining examinations with recent studies and research on CRFS transitions mechanisms. To facilitate the distinction with the deliverable D4.1 the present deliverable is labelled “Technology and Social Innovation Capacity Building Programme” (TS-CBP).

Deliverable leader and key authors

Bruno Sales da Silva (IAAD)

Contributors and authors

All partners


Tuula Loytty (SLEAN)