On the 9th and 10th of July, between 10 a.m and 9 p.m., the Fair of the Producers from the North-East Region of Romania was held under the brand name Iași in Traditional, Organic, and Mountain Dishes.
We would like to give special thanks to the consumers who attended the fair in an impressive number, at least 7,000 persons. Their trust in local producers contributed to a very cordial atmosphere of the fair overall.
At the same time, special thanks go to the participant producers for their seriousness and high quality of the products as these have contributed to the fair’s success. Accordingly, success is the equation between two parts, producers and consumers who responded in significant numbers in terms of fair attendance. Such results make us believe this type of event should be continued and further developed as a tradition of our food system and culture.
Last but not least, we would like to thank our media partners that brought a significant contribution to the media coverage of the event.
Through this fair we have aimed at the following:
- Get together food producers of high-quality and seriousness and urban consumers who wish to eat healthier
- Create new gastronomical experiences through direct communication between consumers and producers,
- Boost the trust between consumers and producers overall
- Provide the opportunity for delivering correct information to consumers
- Naturally, offer the producers the possibility to get more acquainted with their consumers and, why not, even friends.
Within the fair there were organised a series of workshops for children and adults as well, to stimulate a healthy food behaviour. În cadrul târgului au fost organizate și o serie de ateliere cu copii și adulți, pentru stimularea comportamentului alimentar sănătos:
- Cooking workshop with products from the participant producers – Soft and Grace
- What are the organic, traditional certified, and mountain certified products? – Iasi County Agricultural Directory and Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch
- The magic of coloured noodles – Tăiței Grădinărești (aka Garden Noodles) and Solo Pasta
- What can two clever hands do? – Magazia Morăriței (aka The Miller’s Wife Shop)
- The world of bees – Bio Prisaca Moldova (aka Organic Moldova Apiary)
- Cooking demo with organic products (honey from Taina Vie and Zorian oil) with Dana Burlacu Visternicu
- The coloured vegetables of the Riding Hood – Scufița din Homița (aka The Riding Hood of Homița)
- How to make necklaces from coloured pasta – Tăiței Grădinărești (aka Garden Noodles) and Solo Pasta
- The adventures of Carrot Top – Tăt Normal (aka Everything is pretty much the same)
- A culinary story with – Mihaela Ulman
At the same event, we interviewed a series of producers to find out their stories and get more familiar with the problems faced by their businesses. The information will be employed in the process of developing policies for sustainable urban food systems.
- Iași City Hall
- Romanian Academy, Iași Branch
- Agricultural Directory of Iași County
- With the support of the „Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences from Iași
- And the Association of local producers, Produs în Iași (aka Made in Iași).
- Bio Prisaca Moldova, Iași county
- OnLeaf, Iași county
- VEERA, Iași county
- Magazia Morăriței, Iași county
- Capra Noastră, Iași county
- Tăt normal, Iași county
- Fabrica de Fum, Iași county
- Tăieței Grădinărești, Iași county
- Solo Pasta, Iași county
- Carmangeria cu Gust, Iași county
- Scufița din Homița, Iași county
- Zorian, Iași county
- Taină Vie, Iași county
- Acrișorul, Iași county
- Anticum de Butea, Iași county
- Prisaca Bârnova, Iași county
- Aura Essențial, Iași county
- Gal Iosif, Iași county
- Bucium, Iași county
- Marcel, Iași county
- Dany Lily, Suceava county
- La Izvorul Dornei – Făbricuța de Brânzeturi, Suceava county
- Păstrăvul de Aur, Bacău county
- Codrul Boieresc, Neamț county
- Păstrăvăria Pustnicului, Neamț county
- Crosta, Neamț county
- Neculai Ana, Neamț county
- Cașcaval de Săveni, Botoșani county
- Deliciul Mihaelei, Botoșani county
- Crama Jitar, Botoșani county
- Natural Hemp Heart, Botoșani county
- Cozonac Domnesc, Botoșani county
- EcoProds – Aronia, Botoșani county
Media Partners:
- TeleM
- Radio România Iași
- Revista Ferma
- AgroTV
- Lumea Satului
- BitTV
- Uniunea Ziariștilor Profesioniști din România
- A.P.A.R.
The event is organized within Cities2030, a project funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 (www.cities.eu). Iași City Hall and the Romanian Academy- Iași Branch are the Romanian partners in this project, along with 39 partners from other European countries. The fair is part of the activities run under the innovative hub Food for Iași Living Lab (www.fill.rdrp.ro), developed within the Cities2030 project by Iași City Hall and the Romanian Academy-Iași Branch.
This event has also an intervention action component as it facilitates the communication between consumers and local food producers. Nevertheless, it has a research component by scanning issues and identifying business opportunities as they are understood by producers themselves in urban and regional food systems.
The participation at the fair was absolutely free for consumers and producers too. All costs were supported by the Cities2030 project.
www.cities.eu, www.fill.rdrp.ro www.acadiasi.ro, www.primaria-iasi.ro, www.dajiasi.ro