The VU Amsterdam is a unique university that is characterized by creating links between education and research. This has led to research with a strong social orientation and an excellent international reputation. Education and research at the VU are distinctly multidisciplinary which has supported research into sustainability issues.
The VU partner is nested in the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) that sits within the Faculty of Science. It is an interdisciplinary research institute and facilitates 4 departments; (1) Environmental Economics, (2) Environmental Geography, (3) Environmental Policy Analysis and (4) Water and Climate Risk. IVM seeks visibility in society and impact on policy. Research and courses are aimed at solving environmental problems, involving partners from science, government, industry and civil society. IVM aims for strong collaborations with partners from research institutes, funders and societal actors, and sharing ideas with the international IVM alumni and donor network. IVM is currently one of the world’s leading institute in sustainability sciences through her contributions to research and facilitation of education programs.