Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (UNIVE) has a national and international outstanding reputation for academic excellence in both teaching and research. In the last decades it has enhanced a consolidated capacity building in developing, planning and managing large scale multilateral cooperation projects and other significant international initiatives, such as the present one. It has developed unanimously internationally well-known clusters of excellence knowledge, researches and best practices in the multifaceted and multidisciplinary food sector, such as the virtuous activation of resource-efficient circular economy guiding principles along the whole food system while reducing its environmental footprint. UNIVE has activated an Agri-Food Management & Innovation Lab that is focused on 4 main pillars of research: 1) Digitalization of the food sector; 2) Consumer’s analysis; 3) Evolution and renewal of the business models of the enterprises of the sector and of the complementary supply chain; 4) Entrepreneurship in the food and wine sector. In this framework it has activated two observatories: the Observatory of Digital Food and the Observatory Food Strategy and Innovation. Furthermore, a Master in “Culture of the Food and of the Wine. Promote the excellence of the Made in Italy” has been activated. Special emphasis has been given to the eno-gastronomic tourism, considering the tight synergies between the local typical products, the values of the terror and tourism. In an enhanced interdisciplinary approach and vision, it has been developed researches of excellence in analysing the good practices of food tourism in its overarching identity and geographical- cultural components, planning and management issues, of the product and tourist offer, segmentation and target, in a perspective of quality, sustainability and personalization of the new experiential forms of tourism . Taking into account the challenges of nutrition and climate especially in the developing countries, it has developed a research on the nutritional aspects of algae.


Nicola Camatti


  • Barbara Iacampo
  • Dorin Stratan
  • Silvia Lovatti
  • Simonetta Basso
  • Alessandro Bernes
  • Bruna Maria Zolin
  • Paola Ferretti
  • Daniele Sferra
  • Khalid Shomali

Contact us

Cannaregio 873 , 30121 Venice

Partner code within the project
