[Call to action] Survey on current food system & needs in Velika Gorica

The Cities2030 project – Lab Velika Gorica – collects the current state and needs of local producers and consumers in order to create an action plan for improving the local food system. Inputs from citizens and producers are an important link in the further organization of project activities.
Velika Gorica LAB at the “Gastro Turopolja” event

Velika Gorica LAB was participating in GASTRO TUROPOLJA event which is the biggest food event in the area bringing producers, consumers, institutions and schools together.
Solidarity Exchange Lecture – LAB Velika Gorica – Croatia

This Friday Velika Gorica LAB will have a presentation on the Cities2030 Project and a lecture on connecting local producers with consumers on an example of Solidarity exchange.
Embracing Integral Ecological Regeneration: the power of the “Vision”

Article published in English within the FF Medium account under the title “Embracing Integral Ecological Regeneration: the power of the “Vision””