The Cities2030 project – Lab Velika Gorica – collects the current state and needs of local producers and consumers in order to create an action plan for improving the local food system. Inputs from citizens and producers are an important link in the further organization of project activities.
You can fill out the survey from the perspective of producers and consumers until November 30, 2022, after which we will publish the results of the survey. All residents participate in the food system, so we ask all our citizens of Veliko Gorica to fill out this short survey in order to get a more concrete insight into the current thinking of all our citizens.
The goal of the Cities2030 project and the Croatian partners in the project (Development Agency VE-GO-RA and Inventivna rješana d.o.o.) is to investigate problems and offer solutions that can positively affect the resilience of our local food chain, increase the availability of locally produced food, develop the knowledge and skills of producers and citizens and highlight the importance of food and culture.
Local shopping, sustainability of the food system, short supply chains, innovations, and research regarding policy measures – these are all activities that Velika Gorica LAB deals with in this project as one of many in the project that is carried out in 17 countries across Europe.
Thank you for your support and feel free to contact us for information and/or cooperation in the project.