
Cities2030 is a comprehensive, cross-sector and multi-stakeholder  initiative with the primary objective of cultivating innovative solutions to foster more sustainable City Region Food Systems (CRFS)

Through the collective accumulation of knowledge and collaborative co-creation of shared insights, project partners are actively engaged in establishing a resilient innovation framework to support the advancement of policies and practices but also to offer evidence-based solutions tailored to meet key and strategic area of interventions.

Strategic areas of intervention

Secure healthy and sustainable food value chains

Stop food poverty and insecurity ensure access

Protect and preserve natural resources

Enhance circularity and local food belts

Develop food skills, culture and heritage

Specific Project Commitments

Building the Cities2030 CRFS Alliance:

  • We aim at establishing a wide community of experts and organizations who work together to share know-how and help cities and regions to develop more resilient and sustainble food systems.
Developing a roadmap for better city region food systems:
  • We will share a series of Whitepapers and Action Plans to support the ethic and aestethic of sustainable and inclusive developement of efficient CRFS.
Creating a knowledge framework for better food systems and actions:
  • We will gather valuable data and information to provide guidelines for city stakeholders to make informed decisions before they define and implement new food policies and sustainable practices. 
Setting up CRFS Policy and Living Labs in cities:
  • Starting with 12 Pilot Cities and Regions and expanding the model accross Europe, we will provide experts and citizens with places to come together to design better food policies and practices that fit each city’s unique needs.
Creating a Data-Driven Platform for collaboration:
  • We will build platforms and smart tools that will help citizens and decision makers to take intelligent and informed decisions about City Region Food System. 
Raising awareness and funds for long-lasting impact:
  • We will run campaigns and seek funding from both the public and the private sectors to ensure that results will have a lasting positive impact on cities’ policies and sustainable food systems.