Since its construction in 2019, the Capri urban farm has become a precious island of nature,
a place to live, meet, produce vegetables, study and share.
As the Cité de l’agriculture has not lost sight of the experimental nature of its approach, the
time has come to pass the baton and propose to a structure to design, deploy and manage
an agri-urban project on the Capri site.
For nearly 6 months, we have been working on an action plan in order to prepare for this
handover as well as possible.
Workshops with operational and financial partners were organized and thus made it possible
to take stock of the project: its ambitions, successes, failures, etc
These workshops also made it possible to understand the needs of the inhabitants of the
territory and therefore help to write a call for projects which was distributed in March for a
period of three weeks.
The City of Marseille is involved in this work and therefore participates in the different stages
of the process.
We received 7 applications and conducted 4 interviews.
We selected two structures capable of carrying out the project, but none of them being from
the neighborhood, we decided to continue the process.
In a desire for sustainability and coherence, it seems very important to us to collaborate with
and for projects of the territory.
After identifying structures in the neighborhood with the necessary skills to take over the
farm (market gardening, environmental education, social links) we proposed to them to
respond to an expression of interest ( manifestation d’interet)
A first time of inter acquaintance was organized between them, the Cité de l’Agriculture and
the city of Marseille.
A second work is being done to co-construct the future governance model of the Capri farm.
At the same time, one Wednesday a month, the Cité de l’Agriculture continued to organize
events and festive times on the farm.
Workshops, games, shared meals, visits and discoveries of the place to keep a link with the
neighborhood and continue to keep the farm alive during this period.