Agriculture 4.0: Digital or Knowledge revolution?

Marco Brini, Digital Agriculture expert from Switzerland was a key speaker at the Regional Event “Digital Technologies in Sustainable Food Systems”held in Skopje, North Macedonia. He gave an excellent presentation on “Agriculture 4.0: Digital or Knowledge revolution?”. Talking about the digital agriculture process, IoT and digital agriculture, AI for digital agriculture, and digital agriculture long […]

Vidzeme Lab: Steps towards changes in the food system in Latvia

The international forum “Mission: Establishing a Bioregion in the Gauja National Park” was held on 25 October in Sigulda, Culture Centre “Siguldas devons”. Vidzeme Planning Region, Cēsis Municipality, Sigulda Municipality, the Association “Greenfest”, Latvian Rural Advisory and Education Centre were the main organizers of the forum. Experts from Latvia and abroad gathered to present the bioregion concept and activities in Europe, and to share inspiring examples of forward-thinking regional development.

Velika Gorica LAB at the 22nd GASTRO TUROPOLJA – Let’s transform the food system together

No Plan can be successful without the involvement, connection, and participation of all the stakeholders necessary for its implementation, so we hereby invite all representatives of food producers and processors, trade, hospitality, the scientific and academic community, local and regional self-government units, non-profit organizations and initiatives and associations and companies to participate in this much-needed initiative and sign the Agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture.

Action research underway at the Cité de l’agriculture

Food insecurity is reaching a very alarming level in France and it is becoming more than necessary to defend the importance of a dignified, healthy, nutritious diet including fresh products for all. Urban agriculture can be a promising tool for developing agri-food justice. Certain characteristics seem to be able to contribute to opposing the inequalities […]

Second edition of the Cortege of Transitions in Marseille

In 2022, the Cortege stopped at the Blancarde forecourt, Air Bel, Parc Foresta, Gare SaintCharles, Place Caffo, Capelette and ended at the Cité de l’agriculture with a conference inpartnership with Perrine Hervé-Gruyer and the Sans Transition media. Some fiftyassociations involved in ecological, social and food transitions were involved in thisproject, the objectives of which are […]

Cities2030 at the Degrowth conference in Zagreb

The conference brought together activists, artists, academics, practitioners, political representatives and the general public to explore possible ways of caring and resilience for people and the planet. The conference will cover topics such as climate justice, alternative economies and transformational climate policy.