Workshop app Blockchain 2023

On 30 May 2023, Quart és Europa marked a milestone by holding a fundamental workshop. This event was intended to test a mobile app designed to track and verify the traceability of food products, with a specific focus on identifying their origin. Implementation is an integral part of the European CITIES2030 project, an ambitious programme […]

Workshop “Potato cultivation in a bucket or tower”

n the potato workshop, participants learnt how to successfully grow potatoes in pots or vertically on the balcony. This included the different planting methods, suitable soil, irrigation techniques and care measures.In terms of nutritional content, participants learnt more about the different potato varieties and their respective nutritional profiles. An interactive chat group was formed in […]

48H of urban agriculture 2023 : the major public event around CRFS in Marseille

Once again this year, the people of Marseille were able to discover another edition of the 48h de l’agriculture urbaine (48 hours of urban agriculture). On the program: discovery of shared gardens, parks and urban farms that embody the values of agriculture in the city, at workshops and conferences that over 1,500 of you discovered […]

CITAG participated at JIPAD 2023 in Montpellier

Every year, students of the Innovations & Policies for Sustainable Food (IPAD) master’s degree – hosted by the Agro Montpellier Institute and CIRAD – organize a Day to present their work. As part of their training, students meet innovative projects and stakeholders in their ecosystem in order to investigate the questions, issues and related policies. […]

Innovation Actions in CRFS Living Labs

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The CRFS Living Labs have implemented its action plans since November 2022. Living Labs’ main actors are Cities2030 consortium partners supported by local multi-actor stakeholders. The nineteen (19) forerunning CRFS Living Labs fall into 2 groups: The action plan of the living lab encompasses the current state analysis, future state vision, gap analysis, challenge statements, […]

3rd LL Workshop “Edible City” , Goethe-Quartier

In April 2023, the CITIES2030 Living Lab on the topic of “Edible cities – how we can produce our own food” took place in Bremerhaven’s Goethequartier. Together, we looked at how we can grow herbs, vegetables and fruit in public green spaces, on street islands, in backyards, front gardens, on roofs, balconies and unused fallow […]

The Privacy Symposium Conference, Venice 17-21 April 2023

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On occasion of the Privacy Symposium conference organized in Venice by the Ca’ Foscari University, in the Industry Session: Blockchain, Privacy and Use Cases, chaired on 18 April by Latif Latid of the University of Luxemburg, Ramon Alcarria of the Technical University of Madrid presented the best practice of the use of Blockchain technologies in food […]

Sols Vivants presentation to the public at Terres Communes event

What is Sols Vivants? The Sols Vivants collective is a ground based, multi stakeholders initiative that unites citizens, non-profits, research groups and militant groups in Marseille around soil preservation and revitalization. The group has been meeting in many various places in Marseille to discover, exchange and cross-learn about soil preservation initiatives, policy, political and/or technical […]