Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab and the Venice Declaration

Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab and the Venice Declaration

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Vicenza is one of the first cities which have signed the Venice Declaration, which is also supported by the Veneto Region.

Vicenza participates also in the Inclusive Cities for Sustainable Cities project, which is a global Alliance of Territories promoted by the International Federation for Family Development that, in the framework of the Venice Declaration, aim to be inclusive of sustainable families by being responsive to their needs in these ten issues, based on 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda: Housing, New Technologies, Education, Healthcare, Safety, Clean Air, Transportation, Affordability, Leisure and Tourism, and Vulnerable Families.

Given the close links with the issues addressed, the H2020 Cities2030 project and the specific activities developed by the Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab have been shared with the organisations involved so to foster the exchange of information, experiences and practices among cities.

On March 1, 2023, the updated version of the Venice Declaration was presented during an event hosted by the Veneto Regional Council.