Quart de Poblet

CRFS Lab description

Our participation in the project will be, the configuration of the Food Lab, which will be set up according to the specificities of the city and the needs of the local food system. In this sense, Quart de Poblet does not have a consolidated food policy, but it has taken occasional initiatives, especially, actions aimed at mitigating food poverty.

Main aim and objectives of the CRFS Lab: 
  • Assistance to families who cannot afford basic necessities, through vouchers, cards, subsidies, etc.
  • Establishment of soup kitchens.
  • Dairy products and benefits for breast-feeding mothers.
  • Home care for the elderly and sick persons, including shopping and cooking support.
The key specific objectives, identified needs or problems that the CRFS Lab aims to address:
  • Gather statistical data to decide the most suitable promotion policies to be implemented
  • Monitoring the promotion and users’ opinion of the local commerce and ecological agriculture.
  • Enhance communal food services through networking, benefiting children (school) and/or healthcare facilities for the elderly.
  • Enhance people’s nutrition knowledge.
  • Enlarge regional distribution networks to promote locally sourced goods


The city council has also carried out actions related to organic agriculture, by providing 16300m2 of land as organic gardens for self-consumption and a plant that collects and manages the waste to produce compost for local farmers.

The primary solutions that the lab intends to pursue during project implementation:
  • Implement environmentally conscious public procurement to endorse sustainable regional food networks
  • Encourage grassroots efforts to bolster efficient local food distribution systems, collaboration, and the adoption of eco-friendly consumption practices
  • To promote the work and role of local farmers and their products in the territory.
  • Promoting innovative territorial business models and solutions.
Living Lab Team
  • Dana Maini
  • Encarna Folgado
  • Alberto Martínez
  • David Valdearcos


Quart de Poblet


Quart de Poblet is a municipality located in the province of Valencia, Spain. Geographically, it is situated in the eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula, specifically in the Valencian Community. Socio-economically, is a mix of residential, commercial, and industrial areas. It has experienced urbanization and development, with a diverse population that includes both local residents and immigrants. The town’s economy is influenced by its location within the Valencia metropolitan area, contributing to its commercial and employment opportunities. Politically, Quart de Poblet operates under the framework of the Spanish government and the Valencian autonomous community. The town has its own local government and administrative structure responsible for local services, infrastructure, and community development.

Quart de Poblet is strategically positioned within the metropolitan area of Valencia, capitalizing on its proximity to the Mediterranean Sea and the vibrant city life. The municipality’s landscape includes a mix of urbanized areas, residential neighborhoods, and green spaces. It benefits from modern infrastructure, transportation networks, and access to Valencia’s economic opportunities. The town’s architectural heritage showcases a blend of historical and contemporary influences, reflecting its evolution over time. In recent decades, Quart de Poblet has experienced urbanization and population growth due to its appeal as a suburban living destination close to Valencia. The socio-economic fabric is diverse, with a mix of local residents and immigrants contributing to the town’s cultural richness. Traditional industries like agriculture have given way to a more service-oriented economy, with commerce, retail, and local businesses playing a significant role.

Cities2030 partner organizations participating in Quart de Poblet CRFS Lab

As part of the Cities2030 initiative, Quart de Poblet (QUAR, P18) is represented by two more project partners. Their partnership is founded on a mutual recognition that both entities bring their respective resources and expertise to ensure the project’s effective execution.

The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM, P20) is the oldest and largest Spanish technical university, with more than 4.000 faculty members, around 38.000 undergraduate students and 6.000 postgraduates. UPM’s 21 Schools cover most of engineering disciplines, including Aeronautical, Agronomical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Electronic, Forestry, Industrial, Mechanical, Mining, Nuclear, and Naval Engineering, as well as Architecture, Computer Science and Geodesy & Cartography UPM drives the technological development in Spain and plays an important role in European research and academic activities. Most of the international R&D activities performed by IT Spanish companies have been seed by UPM. For more information about UPM, please visit: www.upm.es

SocialInnoLabs Foundation (SINNO, P19) is a non-profit organization whose activity is mainly focused on Promoting research, innovation, technology transfer, Supporting innovation policies, environmental, social cohesion, promoting transparency and citizen participation in associations and government agencies, and other. The network of collaborators of the Foundation is held on a large number of experts in different technological and social disciplines that individually are part of the Social Spaces of Innovation deployed in Spain. For more information about SINNO, please visit: www.socialinnolabs.org/en/