
CRFS Lab description

There are two complementary goals for the CRFS Lab in Troodos:
  • the sustainable development of the Troodos Region
  • carry out meaningful research in the areas of economic sustainable development and wellbeing (healthy lifestyle and eating habits).



The Troodos region boasts a distinctive traditional culture and lifestyle, marked by unique attributes such as a favorable climate, a less polluted environment, locally sourced foods, thriving agriculture, and an array of processed agricultural products. Residents of this area tend to enjoy longer and healthier lives compared to those living in other parts of the island. However, much like other rural and mountainous regions, Troodos has experienced a significant 50% reduction in its population.

Food holds great significance for the Troodos region, serving as both a major producer and consumer. The area cultivates and exports a diverse range of products, including fruits, vegetables, wine, olive oil, dairy items, and processed meats, not only within Cyprus but also internationally. Some of these products carry the prestigious Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) label, signifying their exclusivity to the region. While processed meats are generally associated with health concerns, the traditional products in this region, owing to their use of natural additives, are considered less harmful. The production and export of these products play a pivotal role in sustaining the region’s livelihood. Another crucial aspect is the region’s remarkable longevity and reduced health issues among its residents. This phenomenon can be attributed to various factors, including the local diet, a less polluted environment, and lower stress levels. Nevertheless, Troodos has witnessed a significant 50% decline in its population. In response, the Government has undertaken several initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable development within the Troodos region. These measures are designed to counter the trend of population migration away from the area, ensuring its enduring vitality and prosperity.

Cities2030 partner organizations participating in the Troodos CRFS Lab:

As part of the Cities2030 initiative, Troodos CRFS Lab is represented by Erevnitiko Idrima P.L. (URF, P07) and Enosi Kinotiton Kiprou (UCC, P36).