
CRFS Lab description

Vicenza CRFS Lab has the ambition to become a “lab for future food” with innovative, pioneering, sustainable and resilient ideas. By designing a “food-for-all” approach, it aims at ensuring better nutrition, greater health, wider social inclusion and economic development.

Main aim and objective of the CRFS Lab are: 
  • Implementing a knowledge-based and collaborative approach, through the continuous interactions among key stakeholders, at public and private level
  • Maintaining a good equilibrium between the local traditions and the will and capacity to innovate
  • Engaging and empowering stakeholders, including citizens
  • Supporting the development of networks and alliances around the urban and peri-urban food system
  • Developing the vision for the next future and define the initiatives and actions to develop and improve the CRFS
The primary solutions that the lab intends to pursue during project implementation are:
  • Increasing awareness and knowledge of the CRFS and the importance of adopting healthier and more sustainable food habits
  • Promoting the short supply chain
  • Encouraging the reduction of waste and the promotion of food reuse
  • Promoting innovative territorial business models and solutions
CRFS Lab Team:
Municipality of Vicenza
  • Mara Mignone (Project Manager)
  • Roberto Scalco
  • Fabio Cestonaro
  • Andrea Timillero
  • Annalisa Corradin
  • Laura Matteazzi
  • Donata Gaspari
  • Loretta Simoni
International Library “La Vigna”
  • Chiara Guglielmi (Project Manager)
  • Massimo Carta
  • Alessia Scarparolo
  • Cecilia Magnabosco
  • Gladys Dalla Chiara



Vicenza and its province offer an extraordinary mix of architecture, art, nature and gastronomy, so that they are becoming a fixed stop on the Veneto tour also given the important offer of cultural services and food and wine related initiatives. The productive and commercial context is dynamic and well-structured, very active on the domestic market and with a strategic propensity for exports. The agri-food sector is characterized by the cultivation of cereals and vines, but there are also numerous metallurgical, textile, chemical and synthetic fibre, pharmaceutical, paper, publishing, electrical, electronic, optical and mechanical equipment manufacturing industries in the area. They are mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, capable, despite their small size, of competing with large international groups. The economic system is also supported by a considerable number of strategic services offered by companies in the advanced tertiary sector, as well as in banking and financial sector, training and exhibition.

Vicenza is a town located in the North-East of Italy, in the Veneto Region (approximately 60 kilometres west of Venice and 200 kilometres east of Milan).

With a total area of about 80 km2 and a resident population of 110.293 inhabitants (Dec. 2021), Vicenza is a compact city, located in a diversified territory, rich of urban as well as productive excellence, involved in demanding territorial dynamics that invest the entire area of Italy Northeast.

It has been part of the Covenant of Mayors network since 2011 and of the Mayors Adapt network from October 2014.

Also widely known as la “Città di Palladio” (Palladio’s town), Vicenza has been enlisted as UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1994 based on criteria, which are strictly related to the work of Andrea Palladio, the Italian Renaissance architect active in the Venetian Republic (1508-1580). In fact, Vicenza represents a unique artistic achievement in the many architectural contributions of Andrea Palladio, integrated within its historic fabric and creating its overall character. Inspired by classical architecture, Palladio reworked the classical patterns and his constant typological experimentation have exerted exceptional influence on architectural and urban design in most European countries and throughout the world, giving rise to Palladianism, a movement named after the architect and destined to last for three centuries. The best known buildings are the Palladian Basilica and Palazzo Chiericati, which are located in the city centre.

Cities2030 partner organizations participating in Vicenza CRFS Lab

Within the framework of Cities2030, Vicenza is represented by the local authority, the Municipality of Vicenza, and the International Library “La Vigna”, as third associate partner.

The collaboration between a local public authority and an institute of documentation specialised in agricultural and rural world culture studies is an asset for the successful implementation of the project. It allows to implement a continuous interaction between the governance/policy level and the need for innovation and experimentation to transform the local food system, while respecting traditions.

The Municipality of Vicenza (VIZ, P32) ensures the involvement of the authorities at regional level, as well as of the residents and key stakeholders. It identifies the most pertinent challenges faced by the urban food system and it plays a pivotal role in assessing the needs and defining the urban food vision to design better policies, strategies, action plans, and regulations at local level. For more information, please visit:

The International Library “La Vigna” (LLF, P32a), is the bridge between the cultural heritage in the field of agriculture and the need of innovation in the food system. It dialogues and collaborates with public and private actors, local producers, communities, and initiatives. It provides recommendations for policy framework and implementation methods for green activities, specifically within the context of sustainable food. For more information, please visit: