Food for Iasi Living Lab

Food for Iași Living Lab is designed as an innovative collaborative hub whose main purpose is to connect actors and agents in the urban food system of Iași in order to identify the most important problems of the system and find innovative solutions to solve these problems and to develop sustainable local development.
One of the main reasons is our desire to improve the quality of life, based on the idea of healthy alimentation and the support and promotion of local mechanisms for sustainable production and food consumption. The city of Iași has significant strengths to increase its economic growth and the quality of life for all its citizens.


Ioan Sebastian Brumă P29 ARFI

  • Codrin Dinu Vasiliu – P29 ARFI
  • Lucian Tanasă – P29 ARFI
  • Adriana Vieru – P28 IASI
  • Anca Nistor – P28 IASI


  • Romanian Academy, Iași Branch
  • Iași Municipality
  • Made in Iași Local Producers Association
  • Rural Development Research Platform Association


Follow our Living Lab activities.

Living Lab Objectives

  • Scientific research and innovation
  • Engage actors and agents of the food system
  • Dissemination and accountability
  • Synergies with other projects and events

City of Iași Presentation

The City of Great Loves, The City of  the Famous Destinies, The City of  the Three Unions, The City on Seven Hills, “The City of the Beginnings” (first Romanian  University, first Botanical Garden, first Romanian National Theatre,  first Jewish Theatre, etc), The City of  Great Ideas, IAȘI is the second  largest city (according to the last census) of Romania.  

Located in the historical region of Moldavia, Iaşi has constantly been one of the leading centres of Romanian social, cultural, academic and artistic life. The city was the capital of the Principality of Moldavia from 1564 to 1859, then of the United Principalities from 1859 to 1862, and the capital of Romania from 1916 to 1918. 

Known as The Cultural Capital of Romania, Iaşi is a key symbol in Romanian history. The famous Romanian historian Nicolae Iorga said “There should be no Romanian who does not  know of it”.

Still referred to as The Moldavian Capital, Iaşi is the seat of Iaşi County and the main  economic centre of the Romanian region of Moldavia. Home to the first Romanian university and to the first engineering school, it is the second largest university centre in the country accommodating over 75,000 students in 5 public and private universities. The social and cultural life revolves around Vasile Alecsandri National Theater (the oldest in Romania),  Moldova State Philharmonic, the Opera House, Tătăraşi Athenaeum, a famous  Botanical Garden (the oldest and largest in Romania), the Central University Library (the  oldest in Romania), high quality foreign cultural centres and festivals, an array of  museums, memorial houses, religious and historical monuments.