Vicenza has the ambition to become a “lab for future food“, namely, the point of reference for innovative, pioneering, sustainable and resilient ideas to progressively improve the urban and regional food system under the guidance of the principles, recommendations and actions set at national, European and international level as well as according to the real needs, the emerging priorities and the local stakeholders’ expectations.
Vicenza’s main objective is to design and implement a “food-for-all” approach to guarantee better nutrition, greater health, wider social inclusion and economic development through food policies. In this respect, one of the most important challenges Vicenza will have to confront with will be to maintain a good equilibrium between the local traditions on the one hand, and the will and capacity to innovate on the other.
Accordingly, a knowledge-based and collaborative approach, through the continuous interactions between policy makers, public authorities, private entities, research centres and academia, civil society organisation and citizens/consumers, will be at the basis of the overall project activities.
The CITIES2030 Project is one of the most recent initiatives integrated by the Municipality of Vicenza into its CRFS, which was already running before the project approval. In fact, Vicenza started the designing and developing of its CRFS on a systematic basis a few years ago; in particular, it started by defining some priorities of reference for the urban policy agenda and by implementing diverse initiatives in the field of food system transformation (FST) and short food supply chain (SFSC).
More in detail, the Municipality of Vicenza decided to initially focus on both the food distribution chain (by fostering Km0 and sustainable low-emission delivery services) and the food upcycle systems, starting from school canteens.
In the framework of the CITIES2030 Project will map and systematize the initiatives and the results achieved so far and will outline its vision for the next years, so to concentrate on those strategic priorities which will contribute at a more effective and efficient food policy, at urban, peri-urban and rural level. More in detail, based on the experiences and results already achieved, on the continuous assessment of the local needs and opportunities, and on the exchange of practices and ideas with the consortium, Vicenza will achieve its objective by focusing in particular on:
Vicenza lab – through the joint collaboration of both policy and living labs – is interested in monitoring the impact and users’ opinion of the existing initiatives, but also, they need generic statistical data to decide the most suitable future policies and improvements to be implemented (poverty level, etc.).
The preliminary variables identified for Vicenza lab are as follows (to be continuously revised during CITIES2030 implementation):