D1.2 Project Impact Action Strategy

WP1 Impact

D1.2 Project Impact Action Strategy


Purpose: on the basis of literature review, the project proposal, CORDIS documents and strategical documents generate the project impact action strategy.

Approach: the research is based on literature review, project proposal, CORDIS documents and strategical document review. This detailed literature review has considered 130 scientific publications on the effectiveness and impact over the last 47 years, CITIES2030 project proposal, CORDIS documents on the impact measurements till December 2020 and strategical documents related with the project focus.
Findings: Project Impact Action Strategy (PIAS).

Research limitations: literature collection of 7 databases, CITIES 2030 project proposal, CITIES2030 project proposal, CORDIS documents on the impact measurements till December 2020 and strategical documents related with the project focus.

Value: Project Impact Action Strategy (PIAS).
Paper type – literature and document review.

Deliverable leader and key authors

P39, RTU – Riga Technical University, Kalnciema iela 6, Riga, Latvia
Dr.sc.administr .Iveta Cīrule naturalproducts@inbox.lv
PhD. Elīna Miķelsone Elina.mikelsone@rtu.lv
Kristīne Šteinerte Kristine.steinerte@rtu.lv

Contributors and authors
