D3.8 Guidelines for a data-driven CRFS management platform

WP3 CRFS INTELLIGENCE: structured and actionable knowledge

D3.8 Guidelines for a data-driven CRFS management platform


This deliverable provides some guidelines to create a blockchain-based digital system (within WP6) and encompassing precise information on possible pathways considering sustainable CRFS developments.
In order to guide the development of the S2CP (Single-Click CRFS Platform) technological platform foreseen in the WP6 of the CITIES2030 project, in this task a work Focus Group is constituted whose objective is to guarantee the impact of said platform. In order to guarantee the impact, this task generates two different results. On the one hand, a set of recommendations regarding the functionalities and design that the platform should follow, and on the other hand, a set of indicators that should monitor the programming and implementation process of the different components, detecting whether they meet the expected impact or if improvement and correction actions are necessary.

Carrying out an exhaustive quantitative survey of both internal and external interested agents reported highly relevant information: (i) in general aspects on the use of information technologies by the different agents integrated in the CRFS, (ii) on specific issues of previously identified technologies (blockchain and artificial intelligence), (iii) on concerns detected in the initial questionnaire such as cybersecurity or data governance.
As a result of the work, the Focus Group proposed a set of up to 4 high-level functionalities and a framework of KPIs with 14 elements.

Deliverable leader and key authors

IAAD (P5) • Bruno Silva
UNRF (P7) • Edna Yamasaki • Georgiou Kyriakos
INVE (P9) • Martina Majdandžić • Damir Lučić
VEJLE (P10) • Ditte Veise
TTZ (P16) • Marie Shrestha
BIOZ (P17)  • Alexandru Rusu • Ann-Kristin Schwarze
UPM (P20) • Borja Bordel • Ramón Alcarria • Tomás Robles
WIT(P21) • Mohit Taneja (Dr.) • Paul Malone (Mr.)
AGFT (P27) • Viktorija Ilieva • Blagoja Mukanov • Nadica Anguseva
ARFI (P29) • Codrin Dinu Vasiliu • Ioan Sebastian Brumă • Lucian Tanasă
ITC (P30) • Daniel Copot (Mr.) • Tomaz Bokan (Mr.) • Tomaz Zadravec (Mr.)
PRIM (P37) • Carla Gouveia-Caridade • Inês Silva

Contributors and authors
