D4.2 Facilitation & Guidelines for Policies & Pilot Development

WP4 CRFS ALLIANCE: cities’ empowerment and synergies

D4.2 Facilitation & Guidelines for Policies & Pilot Development


This deliverable provides an overview of the approach and methods used within the policy labs, as well as the support that is offered to pilot cities. This guide includes descriptions of elements and processes influencing city-region food system policy processes, as well as actual examples of material used. The purpose of the guide is to share intentions and experiences inherent to the Cities2030 project and its pilot cities and regions. Relevant policy domains are outlined, such as the sustainable development goals, European level strategies and the MUFPP. Key concepts to CFRF (City Region Food Systems) lab development of policy focused activities are introduced, and particular attention goes to open policy creation, the CRFS approach and systems thinking. It describes the support provided to policy labs, methods of CRFS lab development, and an initial description of each pilot lab. Finally, the guide includes references to helpful external resources.

Deliverable leader and key authors

Suzanne van Osch (IVM)

Contributors and authors

Ditte Veise (VEJLE)

Stella Archontaki (IVM)

Raffaella Lioce (EPC)


Raffaella Lioce (EPC)