D4.5Deployment Program

WP4 CRFS ALLIANCE: cities’ empowerment and synergies

D4.5 Deployment Program


This deliverable provides an overview of two types of CRFS lab activities in the area of food system governance and policy making; CRFS transformation activities and engagement with follower cities and labs.
The document introduces CRFS lab activities by recapping the WP4 approach to the role of policy-making in CRFS transformation and sets out the role of this document in the scope of WP4 (chapter 1). Lab interviews were held to extract information on CRFS lab activities, engagement with follower cities and labs, best and worst practices and gain a deeper understanding of the factors of CRFS labs that influence the creation of impactful instruments. CRFS activities in the policy and governance realms are reported, as well as the best practices and challenges extracted from CRFS lab experiences (chapter 2). A report is given of CRFS activities aiming for project impact expansion through follower cities and labs and introduces all follower cities and labs
(chapter 3). In addition, insights from CRFS lab experiences are reported in chapter 4.

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Deliverable leader and key authors

Dr. Suzanne van Osch (P33IVM)

Contributors and authors

Bibiana Cepeda (P33IVM)


Selma Vaska (P01UNIVE),
Raffella Lioce (P02 EPC),
Manuela Massi (P02 EPC)