D6.4 Data security for S2CP

WP6 CRFS BLOCKCHAIN: Single Click CRFS Platform

D6.4 Data security for S2CP


This deliverable describes the security study carried out in Task 6.4, which includes the applicable regulations regarding private information, risk analysis and estimation to which tools and data sets can be integrated into the project and the implemented CRFS data access policies and permissions with regards to SLAs, business models, data ownership and data federation.

Deliverable leader and key authors

Michael Crotty (WIT)

Borja Bordel, Ramón Alcarria, Miguel Manso, Diego Martín (UPM)

Pedro Caridade (PRIM)

Contributors and authors

Michael Crotty (WIT)

Borja Bordel, Ramón Alcarria, Miguel Manso, Diego Martín (UPM)

Pedro Caridade (PRIM)


Borja Bordel, Ramón Alcarria, Miguel Manso, Diego Martín (UPM)