D7.3 Synergies action plan

WP7 CRFS BEACON: Dissemination, exploitation, communication synergies

D7.3 Synergies action plan


Under the project Cities2030 perspective, synergies aim to generate result-oriented interactions, combining cities’ and regions’ territorial innovation actions and investments to foster transition towards sustainable CRFS. Synergies focus on contributing at 3 levels in a structured and joint effort: the strategic, planning and projects levels. Synergies actions engage all WP systematically, per their respective focus areas. This means that, among all targeted, identified and selected initiatives each WP leaders and teams connects with these initiatives with a focus on the objectives of the WP. The action plan acknowledge a global consensus on the fact that to envisage and generate synergies, individuals and institutions must develop with an innovative mind-set, which may be globally summarised by a set of guidelines aiming at structuring the concept of synergies. The main aims of the synergies action plan are to structure and foster the creation of synergies to maximise Cities2030 impact on local and regional developments, among many others, impact on sustainable growth and livelihood, job creation, and tackling identified societal challenges.

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Deliverable leader and key authors

P05 IAAD | Ms Melike SALES da SILVA, Mr Bruno SALES da SILVA, P05 IAAD, Mr Louis ROLAND, P40 CITAG

Contributors and authors
