D7.5 Exploitable resultsand exploitation plans,edition 3/3

WP7 CRFS BEACON: Dissemination, exploitation, communication synergies

D7.5 Exploitable results and exploitation plans, edition 3/3


The deliverable covers three data sets: the exploitable project results generated in time period M1-M46, partners’ exploitation plans built upon achieved results within the project, and a narrative on business model generation and delivered business canvases.
Cities2030 partners have uploaded results’ exploitation plans into 5 target fields: academic, industrial and business, financial and market, societal, and policy and governance. Intellectual property rights are assessed on the results owners’ and user’s sides.

Download the file here

Deliverable leader and key authors

Tuula Löytty, SLEAN P14
Viktorija Jankuloska, AGFT P27 (chapter 5)

Contributors and authors

Tuula Löytty, SLEAN P14
Viktorija Jankuloska, AGFT P27 (chapter 5)


Codrin Dinu Vasiliu, ARFI P29