The DIM component represents one of the core elements of the S2CP platform, enabling various aspects related to data through a collection of developed microservices and API exposition. S2CP includes the following services as part of DIM, designed for use by different CRFS actors:
The collated data passes through two modular components to achieve the underlying objectives and provide insights and business intelligence to different actors:
An infographic representation of these components is provided in Figure 1.
· Programming: Python – Scripting and Development, SciKit Learn, Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas
· Database and APIs: MySQL, CouchDB, Flask, JSON, WSGI (e.g., Gunicorn)
An AI-enabled small camera performs real-time calculations at the edge. An AI model is trained to determine the volumetric detection of produce in a display bin. This system determines the amount of produce available in real time in display bins. When a shopper takes produce, the AI model automatically updates to reflect the reduced quantity in the bin. Similarly, if the produce is restocked or the shopper returns the selected item, the model updates automatically.
This system provides two primary outputs:
When such systems operate in parallel at different geographical locations within a city (or extend to national and international levels), they update and exchange parametric information through federated learning. This process further enhances the efficiency of the supply chain at both regional and global levels, serving as a part of a decision support system.