VEGORA is a local business support organization, offering SME trainings, financial and legal counselling, technical assistance in preparation of business plans/investment studies for local businesses and rural development, support in EU project management, individual consultations, etc. This mission is underpinned by continuous development of various supportive schemes such as mini MBA program for young entrepreneurs, second chance program for companies in distress, free-of-charge legal advising (ongoing), e-commerce counselling, design-thinking support (planned), etc. VEGORA is dedicated to target group of about 1.500 existing companies and 900 artisans, but also addressing young and adult citizens willing to start their own business. Services feature universal design, where all SMEs and individuals aiming to become an entrepreneur can find their benefit. By doing so, end users receive clear message from local community that every entrepreneurial endeavor, especially when it comes from young people, reflects courage and deserves public support. VEGORA is also supporting other neighboring municipalities which don’t have appropriate infrastructure for supporting entrepreneurial activity and rural development (e.g. VEGORA is a partner of City of Ivanić Grad and as such it has a role of organizing SME trainings and advising beneficiaries of newly established business incubator). In recent years VEGORA shifted it’s focus on family farms businesses due to their growing number and potential as well as growing demand for advisory services, providing them with advisory services and technical assistance. VEGORA also supports and connect stakeholders (NGO’s, elementary schools, high schools, university of Velika Gorica, entrepreneurs and local governance) in the field of STEM, digitalization and smart technologies. VEGORA is coordinator of development strategy for City of Velika Gorica, coordinator of the Smart City of Velika Gorica and focal point for all activities related to ICT in City of Velika Gorica. In 2015 VEGORA replaced former local SME supporting organization VG Poduzetnički centar due to audit recommendation to shift from limited liability company to public institution.
However, VEGORA retained knowledge basis by employing 1 staff member from its forerunner, thus taking over experience of implementing 4 EU co-funded projects worth 550.000 €. Currently VEGORA employs 6 persons, out of which 5 are entirely focused on core activities.