Vicenza subscribes the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact – 27 October 2022

Vicenza subscribes the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact – 27 October 2022

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The Municipality of Vicenza subscribes to the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, the first international agreement on urban food policies signed by more than 160 cities around the world with the aim of implementing actions to make sustainable food systems, guarantee healthy and accessible food for all, preserve biodiversity, fight against waste.

The official subscription of the pact, which will take place on 27 October 2022 at Palazzo Cordellina on the occasion of the “Food. Urban. Sustainable” event, falls within the scope of the actions of the H2020 EU-funded project Cities2030 – Co-creating sustainable and resilient urban food systems towards Food2030, to which the Municipality of Vicenza participates as a partner.

“Through the Cities2030 project and the signing of the Milan Pact, Vicenza wants to start designing its own City Region Food System – declares the councilor for the environment Simona Siotto –, that is to say a food system for the city, but also for the territory, a new and modern system, capable of addressing the needs and challenges of the urban context, involving and supporting the socio-economic and environmental fabric at a peri-urban and provincial level. Joining this pact is an opportunity to evaluate and rethink future policies and strategies for a more sustainable urban food system from an integrated perspective. This is an important first step in achieving these results and will be followed by the launch of working groups with stakeholders and initiatives in the area. Participating will mean demonstrating a sense of responsibility and a desire for change and innovation.”