25 February, at 10.00 (EET) the Vidzeme Planning Region and Latvian Rural Forum will hold an online seminar-discussion about Green Public Procurement of food in education, social care, and healthcare facilities, which are under the authority of local municipalities.
This seminar-discussion is in the framework of project CITIES2030. It is part of the series of events held throughout the Vidzeme Innovation Week 2022. The results of the surveys on the municipalities and entrepreneurs (local food producers and processors) carried out in 2021 within Vidzeme Planning Region and Latvian Rural Forum will be presented. In the panel discussion the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Food and Veterinary Service, Latvian Association of Local Governments, local municipalities and entrepreneurs, and other actors involved in the food system will participate.
They will seek solutions to ensure the greater availability of locally produced products in kindergartens, schools, and healthcare facilities. Language: Latvian To register: https://forms.gle/NWZS3ctjdwWuYZ3f8