Cities 2030 project presented on the III International Meeting: Agriscience and Practice

Cities 2030 partners from North Macedonia (AGFT and GGP) took part of the III International Meeting: Agriscience and Practice (ASP 2023) at the Faculty of Agriculture – University Goce Delcev in Shtip, North Macedonia from 19-20.04.2023. The need for sustainable food systems that can be achieved by effective urban food ecosystems along with all the […]

Multi-stakeholders’ workshop organized in collaboration with Macedonian Chambers of Commerce

Green Growth Platform in collaboration with Macedonian Chambers of Commerce organized multi-stakeholders’ workshop on the 11th of April 2023. Macedonian partners within Cities2030 had an opportunity to present the project objectives in front of key stakeholders from the agro-business sector and research organizations. The council of presidents of the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce expressed its […]

Innovation Actions in CRFS Living Labs

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The CRFS Living Labs have implemented its action plans since November 2022. Living Labs’ main actors are Cities2030 consortium partners supported by local multi-actor stakeholders. The nineteen (19) forerunning CRFS Living Labs fall into 2 groups: The action plan of the living lab encompasses the current state analysis, future state vision, gap analysis, challenge statements, […]

The Privacy Symposium Conference, Venice 17-21 April 2023

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On occasion of the Privacy Symposium conference organized in Venice by the Ca’ Foscari University, in the Industry Session: Blockchain, Privacy and Use Cases, chaired on 18 April by Latif Latid of the University of Luxemburg, Ramon Alcarria of the Technical University of Madrid presented the best practice of the use of Blockchain technologies in food […]

Velika Gorica Lab at the three-day program for the transformation of local food systems – Cities2030

Three-day program gathered around eighty participants from European partners to transfer the knowledge and experiences of 41 partner countries, all with the same goal of transforming the food system in their cities and regions.

The purpose of the three-day program is to encourage personal interaction between consortium members to build much-needed professional working relationships and expand and strengthen networks between CRFS and external partners.