Cities2030 Food Festival in Croatia

Day 2 and 3 of the Food Festival in Croatia, 26th and 27th of September, took place at the charming Etno Village “Novo Čiće,” filled with culinary experiences, educational workshops, and hands-on activities.
Experts at the Cities2030 International Conference in Croatia on the transformation of urban food system

International conference “Transformation of the Urban Food System” brought together experts from Croatia and abroad as part of the final event in Croatia. The goal of the conference was to present solutions that can improve the sustainability and resilience of food systems in urban areas.
Inagro Takes First Innovative Vertical Farming Tower into Use at Agrotopia

With the inauguration of an innovative vertical farming installation designed by Urban Crop Solutions, Inagro is taking a significant step toward the future of greenhouse horticulture. This installation underscores Flanders’ ambition to be a leader in sustainable and space-efficient agriculture. Agrotopia’s 12-meter-high facade greenhouse provides the perfect setting for such a system, which combines multi-layer […]
Unlocking Cities2030 Insights: Explore Ethics, Gender, and RRI in Food Systems with Our New ChatGPT Tool

We are excited to introduce a groundbreaking way to access key insights from the Cities2030 white papers through an innovative custom ChatGPT tool. This tool allows users to interact with complex research on ethics, gender, and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in City Region Food Systems (CRFS) in an intuitive, conversational format. Whether you want to […]
Cities2030 Observatory: A Digital Tool for Sustainable Urban Food Policies

The ‘Cities2030 Observatory’ web platform, part of the Cities2030 project, is designed to support policy development for city region food systems (CRFS) across Europe and beyond. The platform is an open knowledge repository and aggregator, enabling cross-disciplinary research and consultation on sustainable urban food practices. Accessible at the platform continuously evolves, with regular updates throughout […]
New SDGs Tool for Sustainability and Innovation of the Food System: An Integrated Approach for Businesses and Citizens

An innovative tool called the “SDGs Tool for Sustainability and Innovation of the Food System” has recently been developed to promote sustainability and innovation in the food system, aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This tool offers four different questionnaires, each designed for a specific type of user: food-producing businesses, non-food-producing businesses, […]
[INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE] Urban Food System Transformation – Final event in Croatia

Velika Gorica LAB invites you to the final international conference “Urban Food System Transformation” as part of the Horizon2020 Cities2030 project. Join us and be a part of the changes leading towards a more sustainable future! Conference Languages: Croatian and English – translation provided
The first results of the research-action project CAJAU are out and they are worth the look !

In 2023, the Cité de l’agriculture launched a research-action project named CAJAU in partnership with 4 local urban agricultural places. CAJAU aimed to understand how accessibility to urban agriculture in underprivileged areas could be improved, drawing on the principles of agrifood justice and food access. Prior research on accessibility[1] practices has primarily been assessed through […]
Capri urban farm, from an innovative experiment to a public space rooted in itsneighborhood

Since its construction in 2019, the Capri urban farm has become a precious island of nature,a place to live, meet, produce vegetables, study and share.As the Cité de l’agriculture has not lost sight of the experimental nature of its approach, thetime has come to pass the baton and propose to a structure to design, deploy […]
Addressing food accessibility in underserved areas : the mobile grocery store is back!

Developed by CITAG as part of its action-research activities, the mobile grocery storeaddresses the multidimensional issue of access to fresh and healthy food in Marseille’sunderserved neighbourhoods. The latter is marked by alarmingly high rates of food povertyand the progressive closure or deterioration of stores, amenities and public spaces. Theexperimentation aims at achieving two main objectives:● […]