Scavenger Hunt

Under the motto “Eat differently”, a total of 78 teams roamed the city for two weeks to solve riddles, complete tasks and produce funny videos and pictures. he Scavenger Hunt was an exciting excursion through our seaside city. The teams were able to familiarise themselves with the CITIES2030 project and explore the culinary side of […]

Rescued food collected: 10,000 meals every month

Globally, we still throw away a third of all the food we grow. “Such a shame,” says DieuwertjeAlmeida of Haarlem Food Future (HFF). The foundation has been committed to reducing food wastein Haarlem for several years.‘We rescue food that would otherwise go into the container at supermarkets and take it to variouscommunity centers. Before corona […]

LL Experiment “local bread for local kids” Internship days at a school 

The development of a regional food system has many facets and thrives on visionary ideas and creative solutions. One such innovation is a bread mix that has emerged from an experiment conducted by the cities2030 Bremerhaven project team with ATLANTIC Hotel Sail City, a bremerhaven based hotel with sustainable ambitions. The project team attaches great […]


AVAASAJA, the Valencian Association of Young Farmers, based in Polinyà del Xúquer, plays an essential role as one of our key stakeholders in the CITIES 2030 project. Their collaboration is essential to share synergies and promote the application of biotechnology with the aim of enriching the mineral and nutritional quality of food grown in the […]

2nd Policy Lab /present at Thieles Garden (special location)

Goal: Sharpen the vision of fair/regional community catering in Bremerhaven and the surrounding area – Develop goals in line with the vision and, if necessary, collect measures – Collect initial ideas for a network for sustainable, fair and regional community catering in Bremerhaven and the surrounding area. Idea: “Festival of Sustainable Living”

Urban farm ‘Wij telen groente’ experiments with nature grazingcircular pigs

Farmer Erik (and founder of urban farm Wij telen groente) has a harvest garden, with an area of 2.3hectares. It’s been in use since 2013. “This has traditionally been agricultural land. When I startedusing this piece of land, I wanted to cultivate the land in the way that I, together with volunteers, donow. That is […]

Pitch Event: “Vejle Championships In Hotdog¨

As part of the Vejle Food Festival, Vejle Municipality / Culinary Institute by Vejle Erhverv (P10) proudly hosted the Vejle Hotdog Championships, a spirited competition that brought together students from schools across Denmark. This unique culinary challenge encouraged students to channel their creativity and innovation to reimagine the quintessentially Danish hot dog, all while considering […]

6-course menu  / online Lectures

he CITIES2030 project team has organised six 15-minute keynote speeches on various policy areas of an integrated food policy. presentations around lunchtime, the CITIES2030 project team provided valuable information and food for thought and discussion. We aimed to inspire representatives from politics and administration to develop an integrated food policy and to shape fair food […]