‘Clear as glass’ – Integrated Pest Management 2024

‘Clear as glass’ – Integrated Pest Management 2024

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Integrated Pest Management in the spotlight during ‘Clear as glass’

The latest edition of Clear as glass, held on Thursday 8 February, focused on integrated pest management (IPM). Jolien Claerbout provided an overview of how growers can apply IPM on their farms. This was followed by a series of presentations from companies showcasing their products and services. The evening concluded with a networking reception.

Quick start with basic IPM

The inspiration afternoon commenced with an IPM overview by Jolien Claerbout (Inagro). She introduced the eight principles of IPM, which can also be represented with the IPM triangle. The session then proceeded with step-by-step explanations of practical examples and innovative techniques per level of the IPM triangle.

Black root rot in lamb’s lettuce

The incidence of black root rot in lamb’s lettuce has increased in recent years. Elise Tardy (Inagro) outlined the key indicators of the disease on the above-ground part and roots. It was emphasised that reducing stress in the plants is an effective method of reducing infestation. A number of strategies were presented for reducing stress in a field crop.

The IPM checklist

Finally, Ellen Pauwelyn (Inagro) provided a comprehensive overview of point pollution and the measures that can be taken to prevent it as a grower. The potential emergence of fill-and-rinse sites was also addressed. This was followed by an overview of the updates to the IPM checklist. A practical tour demonstrated how specific adjustments, such as an internal flushing system and modifications to prevent point pollution, were implemented at Agrotopia. Afterwards, participants had the opportunity to relax and network while enjoying an assortment of croques.