[Conference] Donating food – practice and obstacles – Agency VE-GO-RA

[Conference] Donating food – practice and obstacles – Agency VE-GO-RA

Friday, December 9, 2022

In order to increase the public’s awareness of the importance of this issue, and following the opening of the first social self-service in our city, we are organizing a conference where we gathered competent institutions and associations active in this area.

The Development Agency of the City of Velika Gorica – VE-GO-RA implements the Cities2030 project co-financed from the EU program Obzor, together with more than 40 partners from 17 European countries. The goal of the project is the establishment of a modern and sustainable city food system, which includes all areas related to food flows – from production, distribution, and sale to disposal of organic waste. Care for socially vulnerable fellow citizens is part of these flows, as part of which, through the planned conference, we want to place more emphasis on donating food and present existing practices in donating food and the participants as well as potential obstacles they face.

In this sense, active participants of numerous initiatives and programs related to food donation will present their experiences and activities at the Conference.


Opening of the conference and presentation of the Cities2030 project, Development Agency of the City of Velika Gorica – VE-GO-RA
Ministry of Agriculture, Presentation of the project “Food is not waste”, Mrs Melita Došen
The legal framework and realization of the right to social assistance, Mr Elvis Ivančić, Center for Social Welfare Velika Gorica
Experiences in collecting and distributing donations, Mrs Suzana Strunjak, Red Cross Velika Gorica
Red Cross Zagreb, Social Shop Zagreb
Representative in front of the office of the representative of Croatia in the European Parliament Ladislav Ilčić, Mrs Aleksandra Preložiček
Closing of the conference and networking

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