Velika Gorica LAB at the “Gastro Turopolja” event

Velika Gorica LAB at the “Gastro Turopolja” event

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Development agency VEGORA and Inventive solutions Ltd participate in the CITIES 2030 project, co-financed by the EU program Horizon 2020. We would like to thank the VG Tourist Board, which made it possible to hold a lecture related to the connection of local producers and consumers according to the Solidarity Exchange model, as part of “Gastro Turopolje”, which is the first event within LAB that was created with the aim of improving the local food system of Velika Gorica. The lecture was led by Mr Robert Hadžić, otherwise a consultant for rural development and director of the Croatian OPG Association.

We express our special gratitude to our residents of Velika Gorica for their great interest and the number of surveys they filled out for the Cities2030 project because it is of great importance to the entire community. Given that we are all present in the food system in various ways, it is in the interest of all of us to improve it over the years. This project deals with these activities in the next two years and we hope to continue. Inputs from citizens and producers, and of course all other stakeholders from the City and County are an important link in the further organization of the project and project activities. Workshops related to the business of producers, lectures related to innovations in agriculture, citizen education and, most importantly, connecting local producers and consumers, and the establishment of sustainable short food supply chains are being prepared. Local shopping, sustainability of the food system, short supply chains, innovations, research regarding policy measures – these are all activities that Velika Gorica LAB deals with in this project as one of many in the project that is carried out in 17 countries across Europe.
For the purpose of further activities and improvement of our system LAB created a survey below aimed at producers and consumers.

We thank all our citizens and producers for their support.
