VG Lab Meeting of the CITIES 2030 project is underway

VG Lab Meeting of the CITIES 2030 project is underway

Thursday, July 7, 2022

An informative working meeting is underway, the aim of which was to bring together representatives of institutions and organizations from the sector related to the food system and introduce them to the goals and activities of the project, and to exchange thoughts on the state and needs related to food production and supply chains in the City and the region Zagreb County.

The city of Velika Gorica through its Development Agency VE-GO-RA and the company Inventivna rješanje d.o.o. participates as one of 15 cities-labs in the CITIES 2030 project financed by the Horizon 2020 program.

Read more about the Cities2030 project in Croatian at the link here.

Velika Gorica Lab